What Is (TCM) Traditional Chinese Medicine
TCM, Traditional Chinese Medicine originated in China around 100 BC. Acupuncture is one branch of TCM; it is the insertion of needles into the body to stimulate energy flow (Qi) and body functions. This type of stimulation helps keep Qi flowing properly through the channels of the body. When Qi flows properly, it carries its life force to all the organ networks. This will encourage them to work harmoniously to promote good health. Many conditions have been found to benefit greatly from treatments.
From a scientific perspective, when a needle is inserted into the skin, it sends a signal to the brain that instructs the nervous system to reduce pain or to modify a particular body function.
According to the (WHO), the following conditions can be effectively treated with acupuncture:
Low back pain
Neck pain
Tennis elbow
Knee pain
Peri-arthritis of the shoulder
Facial pain
Dental pain
Acute and chronic gastritis
Rheumatoid arthritis
Induction of labor
Breech birth presentation
Morning sickness
Nausea and vomiting
Postoperative pain
Essential hypertension
Primary hypotension
Renal colic
Radiation/chemo reactions
Allergic rhinitis,
Hay fever
Biliary colic
Acute bacillary dysentery
Primary dysmenorrhea
Acute epigastralgia
Peptic ulcer
Does Acupuncture hurt?
Every point on the body has its own type of sensitivity. How much flesh and the type of flesh on that area, will determine that sensitivity. When a needle is inserted into the body "the arrival of Qi" is the needle turning on. Some may feel a slight electrical buzz in the point alone, or streaming through the channel. Sometimes the feeling is more of a distention, or connection between all the points being used.

Your Body is a complex machine that needs consistency. In TCM theory, your organs are active at certain times of the day for 2 hours. If you wake every-night at the same time, check out which organ is asking for some care. Your Body runs like a machine, so it needs its regular tune-ups.
Check this TCM Chart to see what time your organs are active.